Former employees gather at the KDNT Symposium
at the Denton Library,
November 12, 2011. Front, L-R: Colonel
Mason, Laura Skinner, ?, Boppin' Bob Berry.
Back, L-R: Roger Emrich, Earl Armstrong,
Scott Causey, Ray Whitworth, Sandy Shepard, Jack Bishop, ?, Mike Shannon
(please email me at mike@dfwretroplex.com
if you can identify the ?'s...sorry that I didn't get everybody's name!)
More photos from the KDNT Symposium: Left,
Ray Whitworth (1970s,) Sandy Shepard (1960s-71,) Scott "Dave Scott" Causey
all gave special presentations about their time
at the station. Sandy's father Harwell founded KDNT in 1938
Left, Mike Shannon starts the program while
his former KDNT co-worker, 1980s sports director Roger Emrich, looks on.
Right, some of the ex's carried the gathering
to the recently-reopened Tomato Pizza restaurant, now a few miles north
in Sanger, TX.
(The original "Flying Tomato" was on Fry Street,
across from the North Texas campus; the background mural salutes their
Denton history!)
Left to right, Pam Shepard (wife of Sandy,)
Chris and Ray Whitworth, Earl Armstrong and Mike Shannon. Sandy Shepard
attended, but
was behind the photographer's lens at the time!
The Denton Library was
most gracious in plugging the event, and allowed Sandy Shepard
to bring up some wonderful
KDNT artifacts for exhibition. Very special thanks to
Leslie Couture at the
library for spearheading the event and making it run as smoothly as possible!
The Denton newspaper remembers
KDNT's 75th anniversary!
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