You know you're an aging DJ when...
You were first hired by a GM who actually worked in radio before becoming GM.
You excitedly turn the radio up at the sound of dead air on the competitor's station.
You were playing Elvis' number one hits when he was alive.
Engineers could actually fix things without sending them back to the manufacturer.
You worked for only one station, and you could name the guy who owned it.
You remember when normal people listened to AM radio, and no one listened to FM.
Radio stations used to have enough on-air talent to field a softball team every summer.
You know the difference between good reel-to-reel tape and cheap reel-to-reel tape.
You have a white wax pencil, a razor blade, and a spool of 3M splicing tape in your desk drawer - just in case.
You know people who actually listened to baseball games on the radio.
You could start a record, run to the bathroom, and be back in 2:37 for the station break.
You knew exactly where to put the tone on the end of a carted song.
You spent most of the time on Friday nights giving out the high school football scores.
You only did "make-goods" if the client complained. Otherwise, who cared?
You can remember the name of the very first female DJ hired in your market.
Somebody would say, "You have a face for radio," and it was still funny.
Sixty percent of your wardrobe has a station logo on it.
You always had a screwdriver in the studio so you could repair a fouled-up cart.
Agents were people like James Bond and "The Man from Uncle" - and insurance salesmen.
You would spend hours splicing and editing a parody tape until it was just right, but didn't care how bad that commercial was you recorded.
You still refer to CDs as records.
You played practical jokes on the air without fear of lawsuits.
You answer your home phone with the station call letters.
You used to fight with the news guy over airtime.
You knew how to change the ribbon on the teletype machine.
You had listeners who only tuned in for the news, and you could never figure that out.
You know at least three people in sales who take credit for saving your job.
You remember when Brenda Lee was rock and roll.
You have several old aircheck tapes in a cardboard box in your closet that you wouldn't dream of letting anyone hear, but you'll never throw them out or tape over them. Never!
You still have dreams of a song running out and you can’t find the control room door.
People who ride in your car ask, "Why is your radio so loud?"
You have at least 19 pictures of you with famous people whom you haven't seen since, who wouldn't know you today - but you won’t throw them out.
You were a half-hour late for a remote and blamed it on the salesperson’s directions.
You've run a phone contest and nobody called, so you made up a name and gave the tickets to your cousin.
You remember when people actually thought radio was important.
Credited to Steve Lager of KCIY-Kansas City, and thanks to Tom Aswell and Jim Rose for bringing it to my attention!
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